8 Dragon Ball Characters Who Would Make Great Benders in Avatar

2022-06-10 21:13:51 By : Ms. Vera Liao

Dragon Ball's heroes use ki as their energy source for powerful techniques. This could easily transition to bending in Avatar: The Last Airbender.

The art of bending in Avatar the Last Airbender is one of many martial arts techniques in anime. It incorporates real life martial arts movements to manipulate one of four natural elements. It's a sight to behold and is one of the best and unique techniques in fictional media.

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Dragon Ball was one of the earliest anime to incorporate martial arts into its fighting style. Inspired by Hong Kong cinema, Dragon Ball uses ki for its powerful techniques. Those who excel in ki could probably be well suited as benders. True masters of martial arts could adapt to any style, and Dragon Ball characters could probably bend any element they wanted.

As the first hurdle in Dragon Ball Z, Raditz seemed powerful when he was introduced. By the end of the Sayian Saga, however, he didn't seem all that strong. In the modern day, his power is overshadowed by just about everyone.

Raditz may not have been a good space warrior, but imagine his potential as a bender. With some sweet firebending skills, he could shoot fire and lightning from his hands. That would make the so-called "Double Sunday" look like a sparkler. Raditz could go far with bending.

When Trunks first appeared and sliced Frieza and King Cold to ribbons, he seemed like the baddest dude on the planet. Just showing up and killing the big bad of the last arc like it was nothing really set him up as a force to be reckoned with. Goku and Gohan would surpass him yet again, but his introductory moment will never be taken away from him.

Trunks has a lot of potential as a bender as well. He could utilize just about any element he wants, and he has the discipline to become a master of the art. Trunks could be one of the best benders ever, especially if he used the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to train.

Pan has quite a bad reputation. As Goku's granddaughter, she had some big shoes to fill. Her role in Dragon Ball GT made her seem annoying and in the way most of the time. She wasn't of much help past the first arc.

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Pan could redeem herself through the art of bending. As Gohan's daugher, she definitely has the potential to learn bending martial arts. She just needs the right training in the right set of skills. Being a bender would benefit Pan in ways that ki could not.

Krillin is often overshadowed in the later parts of Dragon Ball. Along with the other humans in the show, Krillin is often left in the dust by various aliens and gods. The fact that Krillin is the strongest human warrior should not be forgotten, nor should his bravery and exploits in the original Dragon Ball anime.

Krillin would absolutely excel as a bender. His martial arts prowess is nothing to sneeze at, after all. He was able to use the Kamehameha Wave just like Goku. As a bender, Krillin could bring his martial arts skills to new heights. He's not one to be underestimated.

Just like her husband, Android 18 is a formidable martial artist. Originally working for the Red Ribbon Army, she had cybernetic enhancements to make her an android. 18 and her brother 17 destroyed the world in another timeline and were a thorn in Trunks's side. Working on the side of good, she has her fair share of awesome moments in Dragon Ball Super.

An android may seem like an odd choice to be a bender. How could a robot utilize the elements? But Android 18 is a cybernetically enhanced human and not a full-blown robot. Even so, a robotic or cybernetically enhanced bender just seems like a cool idea. Cyborgs don't even exist in Legend of Korra. Cybernetics could probably enhance someone's bending capabilities.

Tien is one of the unsung heroes of Dragon Ball. After leaving the Crane school, he develops a calm demeanor that anyone can learn from, not to mention he has a win against Goku. His range of attacks, like the Tri-beam and Dodon Ray, are nothing to underestimate either.

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Tien would be an excellent bender. His aptitude in the martial arts is certainly noteworthy and could transition him to the path of bending master. He could definitely be a waterbender. This would give him the art of healing, too. That's another skill to put on his long list of abilities.

Mercenary Tao is perhaps one of the most memorable villains in the original Dragon Ball anime. He is powerful and wicked. He killed a guy with his tongue and rode a column to his destination and even defeated Goku once.

Tao would be a formidable bender and would probably bend fire due to its destructive properties. Tao would burn his enemies to a crisp and laugh about it. WIth martial arts prowess like his, there's no doubt that Mercenary Tao would become a bending master in a short amount of time.

Piccolo is a staple of Dragon Ball. Ever since he debuted in a fighting tournament, he has shown himself to be just as cunning and powerful as his father the Demon King. Ever since joining the forces of good, Piccolo has been a valuable ally and friend.

Piccolo would be a true bending master. His no nonsense attitude would easily lend itself to earthbending, and he'd quickly take on metalbending as well. If that were to happen, Piccolo would be nearly unstoppable. His power over the earth would be hard to beat due to his discipline.

Matthew has been watching anime since 2000. He also has a Content Marketing Certification from Hubspot Academy. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in English at Maryville University. When not watching anime, Matthew enjoys playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and listening to music compilations on YouTube.