1. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr Nasser Bourita, welcomed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms Annalena Baerbock, in Rabat for a working visit on 25 August 2022.
2. The two Ministers had fruitful exchanges and stressed the considerable interest of both sides in close amicable relations between Morocco and Germany. They welcomed the fact that cooperation between the two countries has been resumed in all areas and involving all stakeholders.
3. Both Ministers reaffirmed their shared willingness to further deepen the bilateral relations between the two countries that have existed for many years in order to establish an enhanced partnership aimed towards the future. This mutual wish of the Ministers is based on their will to enhance the dialogue and the political, economic, cultural and people to people relations, promote democracy, rule of law and good governance as well as to further commerce and investment and to cooperate in climate and biodiversity policy as well as green energy solutions. In this partnership, civil society and Non-Governmental Organisations, including the German political foundations, play an important role.
4. The German Minister reiterated the invitation extended to His Majesty the King, Mohammed VI, by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Frank Walter Steinmeier, to make a State Visit to Germany aimed at sealing a renewed partnership between the two countries.
5. Germany welcomes the reforms carried out by Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, for a more open and dynamic Moroccan society and economy, notably through the new development model and advanced regionalisation.
6. Germany reaffirmed Morocco’s position as an essential partner of the European Union and of Germany in North Africa and in Africa in general, and a link between North and South. It supports strengthening the Strategic Partnership between Morocco and the EU. As for Morocco, it reiterated the importance of the long-standing privileged partnership with the EU and considers Germany as an essential European partner.
7. Both sides reaffirmed the paramount importance of a rules-based international order and the fundamental principles of the Charter of the United Nations as the basis for governing relations between states. They expressed their condemnation of any violation of the fundamental principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the use of violence. In this context, the Ministers expressed their grave concern at the repercussions of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in regards to the aggravation of the world food crisis, exacerbating the already dire situation regarding global food security. They recalled the importance of facilitating and encouraging the delivery of food and agricultural products to the world markets.
8. The German Minister recognises Morocco’s importance for regional peace and stability. Both sides reaffirmed their support for peace, stability and sustainable development of the region. They underlined their special commitment to the fight against international terrorism and transnational organized crime, which is essential for the security and stability of the Euro-Mediterranean region.
9. Both sides underlined their willingness to engage on human rights in general, on women’s rights and gender equality in particular and to further work against all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls.
10. Both Ministers agreed to examine the possibility of concluding an agreement between Morocco and Germany on abolishing the Visa for service passports.
11. The two Ministers declared their willingness to establish a strategic dialogue on bilateral as well as international issues of common interest, in particular climate change, the development of the African continent, regional peace and stability, the strengthening of the multilateral order, democracy, rule of law and good governance, the management of migration and return, the fight against terrorism and radicalisation, the promotion of human rights as well as the creation of a Euro-Mediterranean area of common exchange and prosperity.
12. On the basis of these objectives, the Ministers agreed to establish a multidimensional Strategic Dialogue to be held bi-annually, alternating between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Federal Republic of Germany. This Dialogue will be chaired by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the two countries and may be opened to other Ministers, if appropriate. The dialogue will be prepared at a senior official level.
13. This Strategic Dialogue will be founded on shared values and mutual respect along with the aim to establish the principles and foundations of relations between Morocco and Germany, define the basis on which they will be developed and preserve the priority interests of both parties. It will serve as a basis for moving forward in the framework of bilateral relations and will strengthen coherence between the various areas of bilateral cooperation.
14. It will also serve as a platform for discussion and consultation on strategic issues of mutual interest, including regional and international security and development issues.
15. With regard to the issue of Western Sahara, the German Minister reiterated Germany’s longstanding support to the United Nations-led process for a just, pragmatic, lasting, and mutually acceptable political solution for the parties.
Morocco and Germany agree upon the exclusivity of the UN in the political process and reaffirm their support for the UN Security Council Resolution 2602, which noted the role and responsibility of the parties in the search for a realistic, pragmatic, sustainable and compromise-based political solution. Germany considers, in this respect, the autonomy plan presented in 2007 as a serious and credible effort by Morocco and as a good basis for a solution agreed upon between both parties.
Morocco and Germany welcome the appointment of the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General, Mr Staffan de Mistura, and reaffirm their active support for his efforts to advance the political process based on the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. They also reaffirm their support for MINURSO.
16. Morocco and Germany reaffirm the centrality of the historic and privileged partnership between the Kingdom of Morocco and the European Union. They agree to act to preserve the stability and continuity of the strategic partnership between Morocco and the EU. They reiterate their commitment to contribute to the strengthening of this partnership at all levels, building on all the achievements and positions expressed in the EU-Morocco Joint Declaration of June 2019 establishing a Euro-Moroccan Partnership for shared prosperity. The Ministers highlighted the importance to further the finalization of the addendum of the EU-Morocco Joint Declaration. The two partners call to accelerate the implementation of the flagship projects identified in favour of Morocco, within the framework of the New Agenda for the Mediterranean and its Economic and Investment Plan. They welcome the forthcoming adoption of the Green plan between Morocco and the EU, which will provide a favourable framework for the development of an enhanced cooperation between the two countries.
17. Germany and Morocco will work together in Mediterranean fora to foster sustainable development, peace, security and stability in this region, in particular through the Union for the Mediterranean and the Anna Lindh Foundation.
18. In this context, both Ministers strongly supported the principle of regional cooperation and indicated the important role the Union of the Arab Maghreb could play for peace, stability and a sustainable economic and social development. The German Minister emphasized the potential of the efforts undertaken by His Majesty King Mohammed VI aimed at the strengthening of the integration of the Maghreb region on solid and sound bases.
19. With regard to the situation in the Middle East, the two Ministers reaffirmed their countries’ commitment to a two-State solution, with a democratic, independent and viable Palestine living side by side in peace and security with Israel, as well as to the preservation of the special status of the city of Jerusalem and the specific multi-religious character of this Holy City.
20. Germany welcomes the resumption and steady development of relations between Morocco and Israel. Both sides emphasized the potential of relations with Israel for peace, security and prosperity in the region.
21. Regarding Libya, the two Ministers reaffirmed their firm commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Libya. They recalled that the UN Security Council Resolution 2570 underlined the central role of the UN in facilitating an inclusive Libyan-led and Libyan-owned political process, The two Ministers agreed to deepen political exchange between the two countries to support the UN efforts in Libya and to promote peace and stability in the Sahel.
22. The two Ministers reaffirmed the centrality of multilateralism and a rules-based order as a vehicle for international peace and security and the centrality of the United Nations to global challenges as well as the importance of continuous and dynamic dialogue in order to better address the challenges facing the world. They expressed their readiness to consider joint initiatives on multilateral issues of common interest within the UN and international organisations.
23. The Ministers emphasized the importance of inter-parliamentary contacts, which play an essential role in strengthening bilateral relations. They encouraged the legislative institutions of the two countries to intensify their cooperation and invite them to create a parliamentary forum, which would make a significant contribution to bringing the two peoples closer together, to deepening mutual trust and to greater convergence of views on issues of common interest.
24. The Ministers highlighted the common interests of Morocco and Germany in enhancing the close bilateral cooperation to counter threats to national and international security.
The ministers stressed the relevance of the long bilateral partnership in the fields of security. They welcomed the strengthening of this partnership as a means to jointly address the common challenges.
25. With regard to the cyber domain, the two Ministers underlined the shared ambition of both countries to deepen their dialogue and collaboration in the increasingly important field of cyber security, and their support for a free, open, peaceful and secure cyberspace, while respecting the principles of international law. With regard to the fight against terrorism, they called for even stronger international action to counter terrorism and violent extremism in all its forms and manifestations and reaffirmed their support for the international counter-terrorism architecture, including the relevant decisions of the UN Security Council and the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.
26. The two Ministers also expressed their deep concern about the worrying evolution of the terrorist threat in Africa aggravated by the proliferation of armed non-State actors, and more particularly in the Sahel region and reaffirmed their support for the efforts of the countries of the region in this field. In this regard, they commended the establishment of a UN Office for Counter-Terrorism and Training in Africa Programme Office in Rabat.
27. Germany welcomes Morocco’s contribution to regional and international counter-terrorism efforts, in particular through its co-chairmanship of the Global Counter-Terrorism Forum as well as its co-chairmanship of the Africa Task Force of the Global Anti-Daesh Coalition.
28. Morocco welcomes Germany’s active participation in the work of the GCTF through its co-chairmanship of the Working Group on Capacity Building in West Africa, as well as in the ministerial meeting of the Global Coalition against Daesh, held in Marrakech on 11 May 2022, which devoted an important segment to the examination of the situation in Africa. In this regard, both Ministers reiterated their willingness to continue their cooperation in these different fora.
29. The Ministers commended the comprehensive cooperation between Germany and Morocco in the German Biosecurity Programme in order to prevent misuse and proliferation of biological agents. They underlined their strong commitment to the goals of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.
30. The two Ministers underlined the necessity to understand the actual migratory situation as a common challenge and shared responsibility. They stand for their human responsibilities and obligations enshrined in the Geneva Refugee Convention and agreed to intensify the cooperation between their security authorities in the fight against transnational crime including human trafficking.
31. Germany acknowledges Morocco’s efforts regarding the fight against irregular migration and its chairmanship in the Rabat Process. Both countries consent to exchange information and best practices. Morocco welcomes the offered technical support in this context. Both Ministers agreed to consider strengthening the mechanisms for improving the mobility of professionals, legal migration, return, readmission and reintegration.
32. In the field of climate change, the Ministers confirmed their common will to advocate an ambitious international commitment to combat the effects of climate change and encourage actions in favour of the mitigation of these effects. They share the conviction that post-pandemic Covid-19 economic recovery efforts should be designed to be consistent with climate change commitments and environmental protection, including biodiversity.
33. Germany welcomed Morocco’s leadership in operationalising initiatives aimed at the resilience of the African continent to the effects of climate change, in particular the Regional Climate Commissions launched at the First Summit for Action as well as the NDC-Partnership founded jointly under German-Moroccan chairmanship, both initiatives launched at COP 22.
34. The two Ministers praised the long-standing cooperation between Morocco and Germany notably in the fields of sustainable development, sustainable agriculture and forestry, biodiversity, climate, renewable energy, water and food security. They reaffirmed their shared interest in intensifying and pursuing this cooperation in order to broaden its scope and consolidate its achievements.
35. The two Ministers welcomed the success of the long-standing and well-structured development cooperation between Morocco and Germany. It focuses on two core areas of sustainable economic development, training and employment, and climate and energy, just transition including renewable energy, and water resources management. It is within the framework of annual intergovernmental negotiations on development cooperation that orientation is given as well as agreements concluded on the further development of the cooperation portfolio.
36. Both parties agreed to contribute to the success of development, through the creation of an enabling environment, including administrative processes, in accordance to the regulations put in place in each of the two countries. Germany underlined the importance of partners’ reliable commitment in order to ensure the successful implementation of the jointly agreed development portfolio.
37. Morocco is a member of the G20 initiative „Compact with Africa“ aimed at improving the framework for private investment. To this end, Germany and Morocco concluded a partnership at the end of November 2019 to promote reforms. Morocco welcomes the extensive financial, economic and technical cooperation, which has reached a distinguished quality through this reform partnership.
38. Morocco commends Germany’s considerable efforts to respond swiftly and substantively to its urgent needs and call for support during the first phase of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 by granting a support programme.
39. Morocco and Germany signed a joint Declaration of Intent in 2020 to develop and promote green hydrogen technology and the „Power-to-X“ sector and actively strive to implement important pilot projects in this context. The two countries intend to continue and intensify this cooperation within the framework of the Morocco-German Energy Partnership (PAREMA).
40. In order to give a new impetus to German-Moroccan cooperation, the two Ministers agreed that the priorities of future cooperation will be defined by common agreement and could be based on :
– Sustainable economic development, training and employment:
o Promotion of sustainable, inclusive economic development.
o Promotion of decent work, also by fostering technical and vocational training.
o Promotion of Green reconstruction after the Corona pandemic.
– Climate and energy, just transition:
o Fighting climate change as well as promoting adaptation to climate change including in the water sector.
o Cooperation in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy development, sustainable agriculture & forestry and biodiversity.
o Development and promotion of a green hydrogen and Power-to-X sector including the possibility of supporting the development of export opportunities in the future.
– Fostering opportunities offered by technological progress and digitalisation thus underscoring Morocco’s ambition to develop green economy and mainstream decarbonisation.
– Fostering the participation and inclusion of women and youth.
– Supporting aspects of migration including the promotion of regular migration as a vehicle for development.
– Promote actions of mutual interest within the framework of triangular cooperation.
41. The Ministers underlined that economic recovery after two years of the pandemic and in an environment of particular international tension is a challenge. At the same time, they called on economic players to seize the new opportunities close to the European and to the African markets.
42. Both countries reaffirmed their desire to strengthen and expand bilateral economic and trade relations, which will allow for a genuine transfer of know-how and technology.
43. The two Ministers agreed their interest in convening the Joint Economic Commission as soon as possible. Both sides will inform their respective companies and economic associations of this intention and encourage them to engage and invest further.
44. Both countries welcome the results of the Moroccan–German Energy partnership (PAREMA) of the last 10 years, which has created a platform for fruitful cooperation in the fields of Energy Efficiency, renewable Energy and green Hydrogen. Both sides are looking forward to the 10th year anniversary of the PAREMA this year and agree to jointly host the upcoming energy day.
45. Both sides also welcome the finalized negotiations for the Sustainable Electricity Trade (SET) Road Map and seek for a timely signature with the other European signatory states.
46. Beyond the bilateral cooperation both sides also support the broader MENA Europe Energy Gateway and MENA Europe Energy Dialogue approaches and look forward to strengthen the infrastructure expansion between the MENA and EU region both concerning the electricity grids and hydrogen infrastructure.
47. Both parties agree to foster further bilateral energy projects and welcome the planned MoU in the framework of the H2 UPP program and other B2G Hydrogen instruments.
48. They underlined their aspiration to further develop their economic and trade relations by encouraging German companies to explore, following the new Moroccan investment law, new investment opportunities in Morocco, notably through its opening to other emerging markets and the creation of secure and stable investment conditions. Conversely, Moroccan companies are encouraged to invest in Germany. Both Ministers commended the important contribution by the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Morocco for the promotion of trade and investment.
49. Germany considers that Morocco, which has become an important investment site for German companies in Africa thanks to its dynamic development, can be an essential partner for a triangular Morocco-Germany-Africa business cooperation.
50. The two Ministers encourage interregional and intercommunal cooperation between two countries, which is considered essential to further strengthen cooperation and give a new impetus to economic relations between Morocco and Germany.
51. The two Ministers stressed the importance of bilateral cooperation in the cultural and academic field for the promotion of human and economic development, as well as for the strengthening of exchanges at intergovernmental and civil society level.
52. Morocco and Germany confirm their commitment to capitalise on the growing enthusiasm and interest for education in Germany and the German language among Moroccan youth. The two Ministers agreed to promote joint actions aimed at bringing young people from both countries closer together and contributing to their mutual knowledge. Both sides agreed that in order to give more access to a broader diversity of languages that open doors to more academic and professional formation, the parties look into ways of introducing and foster the German language within the Moroccan school system as well as the promotion of Arabic language and Moroccan culture in Germany.
53. Morocco expressed its wish to see Germany ease the procedures to facilitate the travel and stay of Moroccan students during their studies in Germany and examine the possibility of increasing the number of scholarships granted to Moroccan students in German universities.
54. Morocco and Germany will work together to expand vocational training opportunities, including the exchange of expertise and training of trainers, as well as collaboration in research and transnational education for the mutual benefit of both countries.
55. The two Ministers encourage the actors involved in vocational training, especially the private sector, to seek new forms of cooperation, to inform each other of best practices and to share their experience in the field of curriculum development and training.
56. The two Ministers expressed their satisfaction with the level and quality of cooperation in the field of higher education and scientific research, and called for its further strengthening, particularly in the fields of innovation, sustainable development and energy efficiency.
57. The two Ministers agreed to seek ways to further develop cooperation between the diplomatic academies of the two countries.
58. They stressed the importance of developing cooperation between the two countries in the field of sports, particularly women’s sports.
In conclusion, the two Ministers highlighted the amicable and constructive atmosphere of their meeting and agreed to continue close and regular consultations on all policy areas in order to strengthen the comprehensive partnership between Morocco and Germany.
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