Information and statistics related to upcoming elections.
State primary results and general election race results.
The dates and deadlines you need to know when running for office. Find the requirements for filing for office and filing campaign finance statements.
Elections administration, including the Election Inspector's Guide; absentee voting; and the Michigan Qualified Voter File.
Office of the Great Seal
Find information about the Board of State Canvassers and its meeting notices.
Check here for links to information about REAL ID.
Title and registration requirements; special titles; name changes; address changes; license plate fees; insurance requirements; new Michigan residents; lost titles; lost license plates; and deceased vehicle owners.
Disability parking and placard information, disability parking, disability plate, disabled parking permit, and wheelchair.
Recreational vehicles such as snowmobiles, watercraft, ORVs, and trailers.
The International Registration Plan (IRP) - a program for registering and licensing of commercial vehicles in interstate operations among member jurisdictions (states or provinces).
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) online service for customers filing financial statements and liens through the Secretary of State.
Operating requirements for agricultural vehicles on public roads - lighting, slow-moving vehicle emblems, and more.
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Certified mechanics in Michigan can access tools and resources through their CARS e-Services account. Instructions for setting up an account are available under Forms and publications.
Per state law, you must be certified by the State of Michigan to perform any of the following for compensation:
To obtain a certification, you will need to complete and pass a mechanic test for each for which you perform repairs. You may also obtain a mechanic trainee permit to work under the supervision of a properly certified mechanic.
Mechanic Certification Information Kit
You must pass a mechanic test for all of the categories in which you plan to perform repairs before you can apply for your mechanic certification. Mechanic tests are offered electronically at all Secretary of State offices. There is a $6 registration fee for each test, and pre-registration is required. You can register online or in person at a Secretary of State office. It’s also advised that you also schedule an office visit to complete your test. Testing accommodations are available by request for those with disabilities.
Upon passing the test for a repair category, you will need to apply for your mechanic certification. To do so, complete the Application for a Motor Vehicle Specialty or Master Mechanic Certification and provide payment for the $25 application fee online or by mail to the Business Compliance and Regulation Division.
Even if you are already voluntarily certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), you must be state-certified to perform repairs in Michigan. However, you may be eligible to apply for State certification and transfer ASE categories of repair to your mechanic certification in lieu of taking the state certification exams. Check the ASE Exam Conversation Table to determine whether you qualify for a waiver. In order to provide proof of your ASE certification, you will need to submit a status letter directly from your myASE account to the Michigan Department of State Business Compliance and Regulation Division before you apply for state certification. To submit a status letter:
Student-level ASE tests don’t qualify for certification. If you have student-level ASE credentials, you will need to pass a mechanic test to qualify for certification.
National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (myASE)
Mechanic trainees can apply to train under the direct supervision of a certified mechanic, without obtaining a certification themselves. Permits are valid for 2 years and can’t be renewed. As a mechanic trainee, you may only perform repairs in the categories authorized on your permit and with a mechanic who is also certified in these same repair categories. You must display your permit at the licensed facility where you are training and ensure that it’s visible to customers. Upon expiration of your trainee permit, you will either need to apply to become a certified mechanic or stop performing repairs in the categories listed on your permit. To become a mechanic trainee, submit an application and payment for the $20 application fee online or by mail to the Business Compliance and Regulation Division.
Mechanic Trainee Permit Application
Your mechanic trainee permit may be reissued if you haven’t held a trainee permit in any of the following categories and fail to meet their recertification requirements:
You can renew your certificate up to 60 days in advance of its expiration. Ahead of your certificate expiration date, the Michigan Department of State will send you a renewal form by mail. Box 4 of your mechanic certificate renewal form will list the certificate expiration date. Your new certificate should arrive in the mail within three weeks after your application has been processed. When you receive your new mechanic certificate, you are required to post it prominently where customers can see it.
To renew your mechanic certificate online, you will need your:
To renew your mechanic certificate by mail, you will need your:
Update any information as necessary. Some updates may require that you include additional documentation with your application. Failure to fill out the form correctly or completely may delay or prevent your certificate renewal. Mail all documents and payment to: Michigan Department of State Office of Investigative Services Business Compliance and Regulation Division Lansing, MI 48918 If you haven’t received your renewal materials within 30 days of your certificate expiring, contact the Department for assistance.
If your certificate is lost or destroyed, apply for a replacement immediately. To do so, submit the following to the Business Compliance and Regulation Division:
Mail or fax the information and payment to: Michigan Department of State Office of Investigative Services Business Compliance and Regulation Division Lansing, MI 48918 Fax: 517-335-2810
To update your address on your mechanic certificate, complete a Mechanic Change of Mailing Address form. Mail, fax, or email your completed form to: Michigan Department of State Office of Investigative Services Business Compliance and Regulation Division Lansing, MI 48918 Fax: 517-335-2810 Email: Mechanic Change of Address
Automotive and light truck mechanics certified in engine tune-up/performance, electrical systems, and/or brakes and braking systems must comply with one of the following requirements for continuing certification:
If you’re certified in one of these categories, you must comply with the recertification requirement before your certification expiration date, according to the following schedule:
The Michigan Department of State is responsible for licensing, registering, certifying, and regulating vehicle dealers, repair facilities, and mechanics to assure that they adhere to the requirements of the Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Act (MCL 257.1301) and the administrative rules promulgated pursuant to the Act.
A mechanic certificate or trainee permit may be revoked, suspended, or denied, if, after a hearing is offered, the Michigan Department of State determines that the individual:
It may be a violation of the Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Act to perform a motor vehicle repair for compensation without a valid certificate issued by the Michigan Department of State. Information regarding an uncertified mechanic can be provided anonymously to the Michigan Department of State as follows: Michigan Department of State Regulatory Monitoring Division P.O. Box 30046 Lansing, MI 48909-7546 Phone: 888-SOS-MICH (767-6424) Fax: 517-373-7419 Email: You can also file a complaint against a repair facility through Online Services.
State law gives our department the authority to deny, suspend, or revoke a license or certification if the licensee or applicant has not complied with the provisions of the Acts or Rules. Mechanics may receive a written warning, be placed on probation, be fined, or have their license suspended if the actions cannot be resolved. All administrative actions are reported through Online Services under Repair Facility Services. You can also file a complaint against a repair facility through Online Services.
You must have a specialty certification to install, calibrate, remove, or manipulate a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) in Michigan. BAIID-certified mechanics are only authorized to perform these functions at a registered repair facility (or approved 12-volt facility) that is associated with a State of Michigan-approved BAIID manufacturer. Successfully passing the BAIID test is only the first step and doesn’t qualify you to work as a BAIID Installer. To apply to become a certified BAIID installer:
If you aren’t a State of Michigan-certified mechanic, you will also need to complete and submit a Mechanic Certification Application and payment before submitting a BAIID Installer Application. If you were previously certified to install BAIID devices but your certification has expired, contact the Business Compliance and Regulation Division for instructions. Don’t submit a new application.
Go to CARS e-Services
The Michigan Department of State offers free virtual trainings to repair facility owners, managers, service advisers, and technicians on the basic requirements of the Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Act and relevant industry information, including:
Repair facilities can register online through CARS e-Services under Repair Facility Services. Mechanics should register in advance by emailing the following information to
Service writers are not required to be certified if they greet customers, initiate paperwork and do not perform diagnosis or repair. Diagnosis and repairs must be performed by properly certified mechanics.
All mechanic tests are multiple choice and closed book, meaning reference materials and electronic devices are prohibited during testing. Keep the following in mind before you test:
The certification fee for mechanics and trainees is set by administrative rule (Administrative Rule 257.169).
Mechanics certified in specific categories must comply with the recertification requirement before their certification expiration date, according to a set schedule.
For example, Mechanic A’s certificate expires each year on January 2.
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