Building on the 737-600 release for MSFS, PMDG has also updated the 737-700. This parallel product release and update of the existing 737 variants will continue for the remaining products, ensuring each 737 has the same features and updates as each other.
Known as version 3.00.0031, the update brings various changes to the 737-700, including PMDG’s new Lateral Flight Path (LFP) simulation. The new LFP simulation updates how the flight management system works out and displays the magenta line and is more accurate than any other PMDG product to date. To complement these changes, the vertical profile simulation has also been significantly improved with greater accuracy and more consistent results, thanks to more accurate computations from the LFP simulation. PMDG has also improved the Flight Director’s lateral control module, providing more realistic bank angles, allowing the aircraft to better manage the lateral path.
Another update worth noting is a change to the brake pedal position module, rectifying problems relating to setting/releasing the parking brakes and the disengaging of the autobrakes. PMDG has provided the following important information on these changes:
In other PMDG 737 news, the release of product updates is now accelerating as the team have overcome many of the larger teething issues seen with bringing the 737 series to MSFS. This means new features, changes, and fixes will be released quicker than before. Though no previews have been shown this time, the Universal Flight Tablet is to imminently enter the testing phase.
PMDG has confirmed the 737-700 is finally coming to the MSFS Marketplace within the next few days and is now waiting on final approval from Microsoft.
As always, FSElite will bring you the latest PMDG news when it happens.
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