The Award-Winning Novel On Which "Casez-Vallarta" Is Based, New Netflix Documentary

2022-08-26 21:00:47 By : Mr. Simon Wu

17 years have passed since Mexico was conquered One of its most controversial political and judicial episodes was the case of the French. Florence Brake and mexican Israel VallartaBoth are accused of kidnapping. Writer and journalist Jorge Volpi turns this remembered case into a criminal novel, a book that won the Alphaguara Award in 2018 and which now hits the small screen thanks to Netflix with a recently released documentary. Casez-Vallarta: A Crime Novel,

What was it that attracted the author to this story? As he explained in an interview with InfoBay, Volpi stated that the main reason was that it was “a good story”: “There is a love story between these two characters, a police plot, a political conspiracy, and its There’s a plot behind it all. So the first thing was to try to tell the story well. And the second thing that attracted me is It also became the picture of Mexico in the last 12 or 13 years. through the justice system and justice in a picture that doesn’t work or doesn’t work,

in the text of a crime novelVolpi refreshed the case by resuming the original investigation of facts and looking for more voices, which are now also reflected in the documentary series, such as the former President of Mexico. Felipe Calderone and former President of France Nicolas Sarkozywho give details of their position during the case.

in the line of cold bloodedof truman capote, hangman’s songof Norman MailerO! limonovof Emmanuel CarreVolpi took up the Casez-Vallarta case, as the adventures of a couple made up of a Mexican and a French woman were arrested on December 9, 2007, at a house on the outskirts of Mexico City. Los Jodiaco accused of leading the gangIn an operation that culminated, at the same time, with the release of three men who were allegedly held hostage.

,It is a non-fiction novel, a strange genre, a hybrid between literature and journalism. It addresses a criminal case that shocked Mexico and France. It is one of the largest police set-ups in the history of Mexico, involving very shocking issues, including a direct confrontation between the presidents, which ended with his release and his incarceration”, Volpi told in 2018 when he won the Alphaguara Give away award and explain how he thought of the text.

The arrests of Israel Vallarta and Florence Cassez come amid a spectacular operation that ended as a setup: The Mexican authorities themselves admitted that the arrest had taken place the day before, but the act was recreated a posteriori so that TV channels could record it.

The simulation sparked a dispute between the victims of the alleged kidnapping by Los Zodiaco – for whom it was an entertainment that did not change the essence of the case – and the lawyers for the accused, who had since supported the process. . False and contradictory testimony by evidence.

Cassez, who is currently 43 years old, was sentenced to 60 years in prison for kidnapping.However, he was released in January 2013 following the Supreme Court’s decision that he did not enjoy due process. On the other hand, her ex-boyfriend is still jailed without trial.

Retrieved several times through documentaries and investigative texts, Volpi chose a hybrid format to do justice to the facts, from A literary perspective that permeates the interrelationships of a judicial file accumulating over ten thousand pages, The same concept was transferred to the documentary series with the production of paul cross and script Alexander Gerbewho gave narrative structure to the five episodes that reviewed the case.

Volpi, Cruz and Gerber point out that from a neutral point of view they followed the testimony of those offering a comprehensive overview of the Kasez-Vallarta case, and although interviewed by the main figure at the time, Israel Vallarta. documentary, it was impossible to achieve a new meeting with the accused: “The series tells the story of the impossibility of reaching Israel Vallarta, how the judicial system does not allow in this story the main accused, who is not tried, who is not He has a sentence and on whom we know how many conspiracies were done, he is not allowed to speak. They Haven’t Allowed Us To Hear The Full Version Of Israel Vallarta, Perhaps This Is The Only Moment Of ‘Censorship’ That Was In The SeriesGerber agrees.

“It’s a pretty big documentary in terms of the dimension of what it covers, because it covers two countries, because we’re used to seeing one country’s point of view, here it’s France and Mexico, two points looking at one case. Which is still controversial today, where there are still people who are being prosecuted for this case or not,” Cruz said during the launch, adding that he filmed for three months on Gallic soil.

The creators acknowledged that the documentary would certainly generate new discussions about the case, noting that the story’s take also reflected current problems in Mexico: those of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the National Action Party (PAN). Change of power, the beginning of the war on drug trafficking in the mandate of Felipe Calderone And how the matter revives in the light of the situation in each historical period.

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